Clean, fresh water for Kathonzweni Community
in Southeast Kenya
Due to political violence from the botched presidential election in August and the rerun in October we were delayed in returning to Kenya last year and had to wait until November to oversee the drilling of two new water wells. Typically, we cannot drill this time of year due to seasonal heavy rains. During our first week in Kenya we started getting worried because it was raining every day. But then suddenly the rains stopped long enough for drilling equipment to be mobilized to the two sites where we needed to drill. The first site was for a village called Kathonzweni in southeast Kenya. This water well was sponsored by All For Kidz in Lynnwood, Washington. We started a partnership with All for Kidz in 2016 after they drilled an unsuccessful well in Kenya and needed help to determine where to drill the next well successfully.
“It was great that we could be there and oversee all the drilling and confirm we picked the location wisely. ”